30 June 2006

ONE Episcopalian

I'm a ONE Episcopalian - Are You ONE Too?

Episcopal Church Shield hyperlinked to ONE Episcopalian

Every three seconds a child dies from poverty related causes, every eight seconds the death is from water borne causes. Three hundred die during the average Sunday sermon. Please become a ONE Episcopalian today and help Make Poverty History.

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Very Funny Video

Tip of the hat to Submergence for posting about this very funny video. A must see for geeks, especially, Mac-geeks.

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27 June 2006

Now that's a Senior Prank

I was looking at a friend's blog and came accross where he posted that he'd found his old high school on eBay. Seems the Class of 2006 came up with a Senior Prank for the Internet age.

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25 June 2006

The Cross

Cross backlit by sun

I took this photo earlier today. Actually because of the backlighting of the sun, I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but I think it came out really well. This cross stands on the lawn of St. Paul's Oak Cliff. Another view of the same cross can be seen in this recent post.

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23 June 2006

The Blogging Bishop's Thought for the Day

If you're looking for a qoute about GenCon06 - that's in the next older post.
Earlier this year I discovered the blog of a real live bishop of the Scottish Episcopal Church. I try to check it often, but haven't had the time in the last few weeks, so I just came across his post of the text from a piece he did on BBC Radio Scotland's Thought for the Day. The Blogging Bishop has some good thoughts, so check them out. Oh and be sure to check out his post They shall run and not be weary ... too.

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The Last Word

This is the last I'm saying on blog about GenCon06, at least for now.

A friend passed on to me via e-mail a copy of yesterday's Almost Daily eMo and this line stood out to me:
Episcopalians are excited about being Christians. And we are tired of talking about other peoples' sex lives, for God's sake. ~ Barbara Crafton

Episcopal Church Shield
cropped and edited from another photo of mine

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20 June 2006

English Gothic

example of what I consider English Gothic style church architecture
This is what I call "English Gothic" when speaking of church architecture. The photo is from 2004 and shows part of one of my favorite cathedrals in the Anglican Communion. One year that magnolia tree bloomed three times.

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18 June 2006

History has been made

Episcopal News Service reports:

[Episcopal News Service] Katharine Jefferts Schori, bishop of the Diocese of Nevada, has been elected June 18 by the House of Bishops as the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. The House of Deputies is discussing a resolution to confirm the election, as is required by church canons. ENS will post more information after that vote.
The first woman to be ordained to the priesthood in the Anglican Communion was Florence Li Tim-Oi+, a deaconness who the then Bishop of Hong Kong, +Ronald Hall, ordained on the feast day of the Conversion of the Apostle Paul, 25 January 1944 in occupied China. Here we are 62 years and five months later and a woman has been elected as the next Primate of The Episcopal Church!

In Galatians 3:28 the Apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul, wrote:

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.


Update at 4:38PM CDT - HOD has confirmed her election. Vote results from both HOB and HOD are online here. Who voted how is not released, just how many voted for who. The installation of the 26th Presiding Bishop (and first female primate in the Anglican Communion!) is set for Saturday, 4 November 2006 at the National Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Mount St. Alban's, Washington, DC. I hope to be there.

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[broken scripture link fixed 5 July 2007]


Sometimes there's nothing like a little schadenfreude to cheer one up. I'm a moderate Episcopalian with liberal social leanings and conservative theological leanings. I know my Bible and I can name all 10 of the Commandments, even though I tend to lump the first two together and end up counting only nine. So when I followed a link in a comment on Father Jake Stops the World and found this post at The Knowledge Box, I got my dose of schadenfreude for today.

A member of the US House from the deep south who is reportedly co-sponsoring a bill to display copies of the 10 Commandments in both the House and the Senate couldn't even name three of them in an interview with Stephen Colbert. (Knowledge Box has a link to the interview in Windows Media format.)

Maybe said politician wants a copy put up in the House so he can work on memorizing the other seven. And I hope someone ammends said bill to include posting the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. I wonder how much of those documents is memorized by members of our House and Senate.

At least I have had some mommentary distraction from the doings of General Convention.

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The Kingdom of God - some thoughts

Once General Convention is over later this week I'll go back to posting photographs.

Today in our Sunday School class we talked about the Gospel and Old Testament readings from the Lectionary for today. We ended with a question about the Kingdom of God. In mulling things over and reading the text of the current Presiding Bishop's homily from this morning the following thoughts and prayer sort of came to mind.

God's Kingdom is just that a Kingdom, an absolute monarchy. Politics don't really have a place in an absolute monarchy. Something we all need to remember when we pray Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven . . . . Yes, let Thy will and Thine alone be done. What we need is discernment of what God wants not political manuvering. In that spirit I offer this prayer:

May the will of God and only God be done at General Convention. May the Voice of the Spirit drown out the voices of those who would fashion the Church in their own political image. May we all remember that God's ways are higher than our ways and God's thoughts higher than our own. And may God give those with personal political agendas of their own the grace to accept God's will, especially when it differs from their own agendas. Amen.
Thanks for listening to my rant.

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15 June 2006

Something Totally Unexpected and Wonderful

This is a follow up post to this post.

Father Jake Stops the World has an excellent post up on Tuesday night's U2charist at General Convention. And he says that Renee at Faithful Ohio is working on posting the transcript of Bishop Michael Curry's U2charist sermon (16 June Update - sermon transcript is done and also online here.)

It is nice to see GenCon focusing on something that really matters - the reduction of extreme poverty, which is a matter of life and death. Every three seconds a child dies from poverty related causes, every eight seconds the death is from water borne causes. Three hundred die during the average Sunday sermon. So please, visit one.org to learn how you can be a part of the movement to Make Poverty History.

The church is the only institution that exists for the benefit of those who are not its members. ~ Archbishop William Temple

See Also:

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The Parish of Saint Paul's Oak Cliff

St. Paul's Episcopal, Oak Cliff, 1302 W Kiest Blvd, Dallas, TX

I took this photo of St. Paul's Oak Cliff yesterday evening and thought I'd share it with all y'all.

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13 June 2006

Food for Thought for General Convention

If you are not a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion - feel free to skip to the next post. Today marks the opening of the 2006 Triennial General Convention of the (Protestant) Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Next Sunday the election of the 26th Presiding Bishop will take place at Trinity, Columbus. A new President of the House of Deputies will also be elected during General Convention 2006. Whoever that will be will have to follow in the footsteps of The Very Rev. George Werner.

Come-to-the-table has a wonderful post about General Convention that I would recommend reading.

It's good to hear that both The One Campaign and the MDGs are being talked about at GenCon too. Now if things go right, there will be more than just talk about the MDGs.

May God's will be done at GenCon and may the Mavs beat the Heat!

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05 June 2006

Trinity, Easterday Evening 2004

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland - Evening of Easterday 2004

I took this after the evening Taize service at Trinity Cathedral, Portland, on Easterday 2004, just two days after I got my lovely digital camera. The small icon next to the icon of Christ Pantokrator is of Mary Magdalene, who was one of the women who went to the tomb on that first Eastermorn and found it empty.

Trinity, which is a 155 year old parish in a 100 year old building that has been a Cathedral for 13 years, has among other things an active Iconography Institute and a reputation for good music. The Rosales Organ, seen in the background, is one of the finest pipe organs in the US and I'm proud to say that I had the pleasure of hearing the late prominent organist Catherine Crozier play it on more than one occasion.

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03 June 2006

Photo of the Week

One of my photographs is currently featured as the photo of the week over at the offical City of Dallas home page!!!


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01 June 2006


I took this in 2004, sometime between Easterday and late July, while eating some slices from Hot Lips Pizza's EcoTrust location.

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