Praying for Bishops
Monday 29-Oct-2007
Psalm: 131 Lk 12:35-48
Toungoo - (Myanmar) The Rt Revd Saw John Wilme
I don't know why the ACofP uses the the name chosen by the oppressive military regime and not the name that was used by the last democratically chosen government - Burma, but anyhoo, if any bishops need our prayers it is the ones in has the following prayer on their main page today:
Loving and protecting GodAnd speaking of bishops - today is the birthday of the Rt. Rev. James Stanton, Bishop of Dallas.
you sent your Son to enable all to be free.
We hold before you the people of Myanmar.
Support those in that land who struggle for justice, for freedom from fear and for their nation's health.
Help your Church throughout all the world
To hear the voices of those who are suffering.
And do not let us stand aside. Amen.
Related post: CNN - Witnesses: Monks protest near Suu Kyi house
Where is the Diocese of Toungoo of The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)? Map
Tags: Anglican Communion, Anglican Cycle Prayer, Birthday, Bishops, Burma, Dallas, Diocese of Dallas, Diocese of Toungoo, +James Stanton, Prayer, +Saw John Wilme & The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)
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