30 April 2007

Displaced to Austin

Here are some photos. Put you mouse pointer on the photo to see captions.

Piece of cardboard laying on a sleeping bag.  The cardboard has two blue paint hand prints on it and the words ''Displace Me 2007'' in red paint

pictures of Ugandan children on a board with the words ''They have a story.'' at the bottom

The back of Angela's shirt asks ''How can we worship a homeless man on Sunday and ignore one on Monday?''

Young lady decorating side of a beige SUV with words ''We love the Invisible Children''

Looking through the windshield of John and Rachel's car at another car in the caravan from Dallas, somewhere on Southbound I-35

We stopped in Waco at Baylor U to join up with the Waco/Baylor caravan and I spotted this white van in the parking lot with the phrase ''Now that I've seen, I'm _responsible_'' painted on the front passenger side window

Photo of the framed proclamation from Mayor Wynn of Austin, Texas declaring 28 April 2007 Invisible Children Day in Austin

Gold colored text saying ''Pray for Africa'' on the back of a red t-shirt worn by a Displace Me participant in Austin

One of the many and various cardboard structures created on Saturday.  This one says in red paint ''Every war has an end.  Laying down 4 our beliefs.  Texas State''

Boxes of Saltine Crackers mounded into a small hill on a blue tarp in the foreground and tables full of water bottles in the background

A close up shot of three of the thousands of water bottles

Jacob who appears in the _Invisible Children_ documentary shared his story on Saturday night.  This happens to also be the 10,000 shot taken with my current digital camera.

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UPDATE:  UT Daily Texan article Note:  at one point I even talked with Jeremy Jjemba, the UT San Antonio junior mentioned near the end of the Daily Texan article.

23 April 2007

Rx Abuse Among Teens Up

While researching another subject I came across a short little blog entry that begins:

Marijuana and methamphetamine use among teenagers has declined in the past five years, but the rise in prescription drug use among teens is a growing concern.
The blogger, Michael Monheit, goes on to quote a University of Michigan study to back up his assertion.

I wonder how much of this increase in prescription drug abuse by teenages is linked to the FDA's approval a few years ago of television advertising for prescription drugs. For the record I disagree with the FDA's decision and I long for the days when I could eat and watch TV and not have to make a mad stab at the remote's mute button to prevent having to hear about other people's nasty medical conditions during every commercial break.

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21 April 2007

Displace Me 2 Austin

DISplace ME April 28th 2007 InvisibleChildren.com/DisplaceMe
Invisible Children - help change culture, policy, & lives
April 28th 2007 DISplace ME - Every war has an end - InvisibleChildren.com/DisplaceMe
I'll be in Austin. Where will you be?

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Various Photos 3

Various Photos 2