Blogging Episcopalians & the PB's Vestments
I like ++KJS, but the Andrew Lloyd Webber-esque vestments need to go away. Like the 1960s & the 1970s, Modernism is over. Post-Modernism has arrived and it wants tasteful traditional looking vestments thank-you-very-much. Here is an example of a GenX-aged Bishop wearing tasteful traditional looking vestments.
Here ends my vestment rant.
Thanks be to God.
Tags: ++KJS, Blogging Episcopalians, Episcopalian Blogs, Other Bloggers, Vestments, & What NOT To Wear In Church
Bonus: Check out the blog called Preludium, which is written by a Delaware priest serving on the Executive Council of TEC, and he's a HOD member too. He blogs about stuff deeper, but no less important, than vestments.
Photos of ++KJS in the aforementioned vestments